Family names are one of the most important pieces of genealogical information which can cause a significant amount of confusion for most people. The transmission of names across generations, marriages and other relationships is where most of the difficulty comes from in the research. More often than not, this shows up in marriages, divorces, remarriages, adoptions, nicknames, etc with no explanation as to who, when or why it was changed.
Dates are more difficult to recall years after an event, and most easily mistranscribed than other pieces of data. Usually dates of civil registrations, births or baptisms are typically accurate because they are recorded near the time of the event. There is so much information at your finger tips now days where you can start your research with several websites that can guide you through the process. The form you'd want to start with is the family group sheet for each family in each generation. We have them at the museum or you can go online and download them for free. If you are confused or lost in your research, contact the Stanley Area Historical Society - 715-644-0464 to leave a message. We staff the office on Tuesday's during the summer months.